Client Kami

Billboard, neobox, pylon, sign board, maxi banner, tenda.
Flex Face (backlit & frontlit), sticker, laminasi, white & black film.
Brosur / flyer, poster, buletin.
Sablon & Konveksi
Umbul-umbul, spanduk, hanging dan giant banner, kaos kemeja, tas, jaket, topi.
Souvenir / Gimmick
Mug, payung, pin, acrylic, jam, kipas, ballpoint, id card, plastic card.
Event Organizer
Event Promo, Event Launching, SPG Agency, Entertainment (indoor & outdoor), pengurusan pajak dan perizinan sarana promosi.
Backlite Double
Rp160,0000 out of 5 -
Backlite Single
Rp70,0000 out of 5 -
Backwall 3 x 4 m
Rp5,000,0000 out of 5 -
Flexy Korea
Rp35,0000 out of 5 -
Spanduk Gramasi 240 Flexy China
Rp14,0000 out of 5 -
Spanduk Gramasi 280 Flexy China
Rp16,0000 out of 5 -
Spanduk Gramasi 340 Flexy China
Rp19,0000 out of 5
Branding Mobil Ukuran Standard
Rp2,500,0000 out of 5 -
Cutting Sticker Bahan Oracal
Rp350 out of 5 -
Rp20,0000 out of 5 -
Rp75,0000 out of 5 -
Print & Cut Sticker China
Rp90,0000 out of 5 -
Print & Cut Sticker China + Laminasi
Rp110,0000 out of 5 -
Print & Cut Sticker Premium
Rp110,0000 out of 5 -
Print & Cut Sticker Premium + Laminasi
Rp130,0000 out of 5 -
Sticker China
Rp60,0000 out of 5 -
Sticker Lantai
Rp225,0000 out of 5 -
Sticker Premium
Rp75,0000 out of 5 -
Sticker Transparan
Rp75,0000 out of 5
Dayeuhkolot Kabupaten Bandung
0 out of 5 -
Exit Gerbang Toll Pasteur KM 00+700 B
0 out of 5 -
Exit Gerbang Toll Pasteur KM 00+800 B
0 out of 5 -
Exit Toll Cileunyi
0 out of 5 -
Exit Toll Pasteur KM 00+350 B
0 out of 5 -
KM 02 + 800
0 out of 5 -
KM 02 +200
0 out of 5 -
KM 124 +900
0 out of 5 -
Pertigaan Bunderan Alun2 Tarogong – Garut ( Horizontal & Vertikal )
0 out of 5 -
Pertigaan Bunderan Alun2 Tarogong – Garut ( Horizontal )
0 out of 5
Portfolio Project
Berikut beberapa hasil pekerjaan kami
beberapa kali saya memesan kebutuhan kantor seperti kartu nama, name tag, id card ke BIDARI, dan hasilnya selalu memuaskan, good job pokonya 👍
beberapa kali saya memesan kebutuhan kantor seperti kartu nama, name tag, id card ke BIDARI, dan hasilnya selalu memuaskan, good job pokonya 👍
beberapa kali saya memesan kebutuhan kantor seperti kartu nama, name tag, id card ke BIDARI, dan hasilnya selalu memuaskan, good job pokonya 👍